Diana Rivera examines the effectiveness and interaction of the two major Latin-American economic blocs: Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance.
4. Programs
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The Canadian Reserves and the Uncertainties of Austerity
Sandra Song on the state of the Canadian Reserves in the face of austerity.
North Korea’s Emerging Cyber-Warfare
Sandra Song on North Korea’s emerging cyber-warfare capabilities.
Tears in Taksim Square
Christopher Kelly comments on the turmoil in Turkey and Prime Minister Erdoğan’s polarizing policies.
Civil Service Cuts Across the Board
Magan Haycock compares the state of the Greek, British and Canadian civil service and the cuts they face.
The Visayan Forum Foundation: Fighting Human Trafficking and a Tarnished Reputation
Avery Bruenjes on human trafficking in the Philippines and the challenges facing the Visayan Forum Foundation.
NATO in the North? The Debate Over an Alliance Presence in the Arctic
Andrew Chisholm considers the debate over whether NATO should play a role in Arctic security. Which players are driving it, why Canada is opposed, and what is a better option for Canadian interests in the region.
Uncharted Territory: Scotland’s Referendum and the International Response to Democratic Secession
Daniel Troup on the upcoming Scottish referendum and what it means for NATO and EU relations.
No Place to Hide: Why Canada Will Be Forced to Decide on Syria
Although the Arab Spring, which developed in December 2010 and became mainstream news in January 2011, has mostly faded from the minds of most, the situation in Syria has escalated rapidly leading the international community, particularly the EU and the US, to consider military responses. Furthermore, this situation is complicated by the regional religious tensions Read More…
From Fighting Piracy to Terrorism, the PMPF Saga Continues
James M. Bridger traces the compelling story of the Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF).