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Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Is TikTok The Next Huawei? Why Some See a Video-Sharing App as a Threat to National Security

TikTok has been banned in India and the United States may follow suit. In his new article, Alex Johnson examines the TikTok controversy and assesses the app’s potential to compromise national security.

NATO and Canada NATO Operations

The Islamic State Mounts a Resurgence Amid COVID-19

The Islamic State (IS) may not occupy as much contiguous territory as it once did, but that has not diminished its resolve to spread global terror. Emily Mullin examines how the jihadist group is exploiting COVID-19 to gain respite, and what this means for NATO operations in the Middle East.

Security, Trade and the Economy

Will the Chinese Renminbi Replace the US Dollar as the International Currency?

The “rise of China” on the international stage is virtually an undisputed fact. Some even speak of China ‘eclipsing’ the United States as the preeminent world power. One element of this would likely involve the replacement of the U.S. dollar by the Renminbi as the international currency. But how likely is this scenario to play out? Lily Jia subjects this hypothesis to analytical rigour.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Black Lives Matter Protests Under Aerial Surveillance

Black Lives Matter protests have captured the news media’s attention lately. Governments have also been observing these mass movements using sophisticated surveillance technology usually reserved for military applications. Chloé Ketels unpacks some of the ethical implications of governments’ utilization of this technology for domestic security purposes.