Since its inception in 1949, Canada has played an integral role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its numerous military and non-military engagements. As a founding member, Canada’s involvement over the past 70 years has varied from troop deployment and training in Europe during much of the Cold War, to activity abroad in places like Afghanistan and Libya. The articles in the NATO and Canada program examine NATO’s operational history and Canada’s role from a multitude of perspectives. The NATO Association of Canada aims to supply Canadians with a greater insight into the inner workings of this long-standing alliance and its Canadian contributions.

Enko Koceku NATO and Canada Strategic Reserve

New Horizons: The Future as Dictated by Canadian Military Procurement

In July 2011, the Canadian Forces completed their decade long combat deployment in Afghanistan as part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force. While the Government of Canada has kept 950 individuals in Kabul on board as advisors for Afghan army training personnel, one must wonder what  lies on the horizon for the Canadian Armed Read More…

Andrew Chisholm Canada NATO and Canada

Shifting to the Anglosphere: ideology, experience, or both?

Canada and the UK recently signed a memorandum detailing their intention to find ways to cooperate in providing consular services in countries where one or the other does not have representation. The announcement prompted a great deal of commentary, on many different aspects of the move.

Amina Abdullayeva NATO and Canada Western Europe

If France Goes Left, is NATO All Right?

[captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=”” captiontext=” French Election 2012: Sarkozy and Hollande.”] It seems that the Élysée Palaceis heading for a change. François Hollande is leading with 28.6% of voter support after the first round of the French presidential elections held on April 22, while Nicolas Sarkozy is just behind him with 27.2%. According Read More…

Canada NATO and Canada Rodnie Allison

The F-35 Wake-Up Call

By Rodnie Allison [captionpix align=”right” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=”” captiontext=” Auditor General Michael Ferguson held a news conference shortly after tabling his spring report on Tuesday. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press).”] “Devastating”, “Biting”, and “Not a Pretty Picture” –  just some of the statements that followed the release of Auditor-General Michael Ferguson’s first report to Parliament.  Yes it is official, Read More…

Canada NATO and Canada Rodnie Allison Western Europe

The F-35: At What Price?

By: Rodnie Allison In four years Canada will receive the first of sixty-five F-35A multi-role combat aircraft. These aircraft represent much more than a means to regulate airspace or dictate conditions on the ground. They represent a commitment to the NATO alliance structure, the integration of strategic industrial resources among like-minded governments, and finally, the capacity Read More…