A list of authors, past and present

Ashley McIntyre Kelsie Chasse Procurement

Part II: Canada & The Arms Trade Treaty

In Part I of this two part series, Program Editors Kelsie Chasse and Ashley McIntyre discussed the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and Canada’s past reluctance to sign. In this section, Libya, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia are examined as case studies, and the possible application of the ATT in past and future arms deals is discussed.

Security, Trade and the Economy Sravani Mamillapalli

Why China might not take over as the largest economy in the world

The Chinese economy has been booming in the past few decades. From 1970 to 2015, China’s GDP rose rapidly from 4.1% to 15.6%. Chinese GDP at 10.98 trillion USD (as of 2015) contributes to 21.2% of world GDP in 2015 and grew at an average rate of 7.3% for the past 3 years. The “Made Read More…

Carolyn Wong Procurement

Canada’s Defence Industrialization: Offsets and the F-35

Canada faces two program options in replacing its 79 operational CF-18 Hornets: replacing them entirely with 65 new F-35s at $17 billion to $45.8 billion or repairing the current Hornets. Currently, Canada has paid the latest payment to the F-35’s Joint Strike Fighter program, delaying the imminent decision the Liberal government faces in replacing the Read More…

Canadian Armed Forces John Pollock

Beijing’s A2/AD Doctrine is Challenging the United States Dominance of the Western Pacific

China is putting pressure on the US Navy in the western pacific using a strategy based on asymmetric warfare known as A2/AD. John Pollock discusses China’s increased military capabilities and what it means for the United States.