A list of authors, past and present

Changsung Lee Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Evaluation of the Singapore Summit

It has been over two weeks since the Singapore summit ended. Overall, the assessment of the Singapore Summit is negative. In particular, the US media and experts who disbelieve North Korea suggest that it amounted to North Korea’s victory and America’s defeat. But is it true that the Singapore talks were really a failed meeting? Read More…

Amaliah Reiskind Women in Security

Interview with Stéfanie von Hlatky on the NATO SPS supported Gender and International Security Summer School

Recently a NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) initiative culminated in a summer school program on Gender in International Security. Course director Stéfanie von Hlatky talks with Program Editor Amaliah Reiskind about the program and her experience working with the SPS Programme.

Adam Zivo Amaliah Reiskind Buzz Lanthier-Rogers Editors' Forum Maria Pepelassis Nasser Haidar

Are We Human?: IBM Unveils Project Debate

IBM recently unveiled Project Debater, a program that uses artificial learning to provide arguments in real time on any given resolution. For this week’s Editors’ Forum, program editors and contributors of the NATO Association of Canada comment on the increasingly fast development of artificial intelligence and the expansion of its application. Adam Zivo, Junior Research Read More…

Amaliah Reiskind Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Cyber Security and Maritime Commercial Shipping: Is Everything Ship Shape?

As the shipping industry continues to mature, it is turning to technology to handle the large amounts of information, data, and goods flowing through its supply chains. However, as Program Editor Amaliah Reiskind explains, these tools have been implemented without proper concern for the vulnerabilities they open the industry up to.