Emily Simonin looks at U.S. policy developments in the Arctic and their implications for Canada.
5. Authors of the NCC
A list of authors, past and present
Reconstituting Venezuelan Identity in the Wake of Hugo Chavez
After the death of Hugo Chavez, Venezuelans face an uncertain future. Only a united Venezuela can steer the country away from economic disaster and towards shared prosperity.
NATO and the Cyber Security Imperative
Avery Bruenjes on the need for NATO dialogue on cyber security.
When Business Cannot Continue as Usual: The Intersection of a Culture of Violence and Business in South Africa
Magan Haycock discusses the importance of curbing labour violence and corruption for the South African mining sector.
On NATO and Democratic Principles
The anger, frustration and heated tensions between Turkish protestors and their government, led by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, present an indirect challenge of NATO. From a security standpoint, Turkey is an essential NATO member. Turkey’s location at the intersection between Europe, Asia and the Middle East makes it crucial for NATO operations from a logistical Read More…
Cracking Corruption for the Sake of Stability: Canadian Mining Companies in Kyrgyzstan
Tyler Amos on the mining and political situation in Kyrgyzstan and the positive role Canadian companies could play.
(How) Can NATO Respond to the Syrian Crisis?
Revived by the outbreak of the Arab Spring, the conflict between oppositionists to the Assad regime and the Syrian government has escalated in recent months, plunging the nation into a civil war. As its violent nature intensifies, the humanitarian crisis deepens. Consequently, NATO nations face pressures from external and internal actors who argue that a Read More…
Into the Fray: The End of the EU’s Syrian Arms Embargo
Daniel Troup on the EU lifting its embargo against arms shipments to Syria.
Road to Riches or Ruin: Democratization and the Future of Myanmar
Tyler Olinski explores the risks and opportunities facing the Burmese people as their country pursues policies of democratization and an entry into the free market system.
Where Russia Has It Right
Leah Nosal elucidates the crisis in Syria from the Russian perspective.