A list of authors, past and present

Canadian Armed Forces Sedrik Pocuch

The Fall of Canadian Peacekeeping: Should It Be Revived?

In April 1993, there were 3336 Canadian peacekeepers deployed on UN missions. As of July 31st 2019, there are only 150. What has led to this extreme decline of Canadian peacekeepers? Should the practice of Canadian peacekeeping be revived or completely abolished? In this special report, I look at the history and present situation of Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats William Lloyd

The Most Dangerous Game: The Case Against Court-Packing

In response to Trump’s ever-growing number of judicial appointments since taking office, a growing number of left-leaning pundits and Democratic candidates have become proponents of court-packing.  Have they forgotten the lessons of history? Transitions from one U.S. President to the next have long been characterized by a newly-elected President enthusiastically abrogating the policies and initiatives Read More…

Sarah Haddjeri Women in Security

Women as Both Victims and Perpetrators of Violence in War and Peace

Women are often associated with peace and reconciliation and men with war and violence. However, these stereotypes tend to overlook the role women play as perpetrators of violence and sexual abuses during wartime, since they are more commonly perceived as vulnerable civilians. Rebecca Solnit, in her work “Men Explain Things to Me”, highlighted that patriarchal Read More…

David Lazzam Security, Trade and the Economy

Special Report: Can One Lawsuit Turn the Tide Against Big Energy in the Battle on Climate Change?

In his special report, David Lazzam discusses the monumental impact the upcoming New York State ExxonMobil lawsuit could have on the future of climate litigation. Will the upcoming legal battle reflect the victories of tobacco regulation?

Canadian Armed Forces Willow Hillman

Canadian Defence Procurement and Civil-Military Relations

In this article, Willow Hillman, considers the utility that developing a military covenant similar to the United Kingdom’s would have for the Canadian Armed Forces’ ability to maintain effectiveness as well as professionally contribute to mending the shoddy defence procurement process.