The Eastern Mediterranean is without a doubt a conflict-prone geographic location. Most consider the conflicts between Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and occasionally, Egypt, when discussing the region, but new players are clashing with one another, and this time, they’re allies. While the world looks at nearby Syria, it has been Turkey, Cyprus and Greece that Read More…
Nasser Haidar
1001 Saudi Arabian Rights: Canada as an Advocate of Global Human Rights
Program Editors, Maria Pepelassis, Buzz Lanthier-Rogers, Nasser Haidar, Amaliah Reiskind, McCartney Lee, and Claire Wählen look into the Canada-Saudi Arabia dispute.
The Indian Ocean: A New Frontier
Whereas the Pacific Ocean is a bipolar power structure between the Chinese on one end, and the US and its allies on the other, the Indian Ocean has become an unpredictable multipolar military playground that could have innumerable consequences.
Locked and Loaded: Does Canada Have a Gun Problem?
Program Editors Nasser Haidar, Maria Pepelassis, and Michelle Verbeek offer insight on the multiple factors that inform our understanding of the Danforth shooting.
The Parallel State: Hezbollah And Its Replicas
From a local southern Lebanese guerrilla force to a huge regional player, Hezbollah has made many friends and foes. It’s implications for the Lebanese state, to states where similar replica are now emerging, the militia force has come to represent a rising theme and issue in the Middle East: the militia and it’s parallel state.
A Balance of Power Gone Awfully Wrong
The future of the Middle East and the secret to ensuring a truly balanced power structure does not occur by simply breaking up the region into spheres of influence, or by turning it into a zero-sum game.
It’s Always Home: Sports and Politics
In this week’s Editors’ Forum, writers from the NATO Association of Canada discuss how sports and politics are connected.
Are We Human?: IBM Unveils Project Debate
IBM recently unveiled Project Debater, a program that uses artificial learning to provide arguments in real time on any given resolution. For this week’s Editors’ Forum, program editors and contributors of the NATO Association of Canada comment on the increasingly fast development of artificial intelligence and the expansion of its application. Adam Zivo, Junior Research Read More…
Is ‘Terrorism’ Too Narrow a Concept?
Members of the NATO Association community discuss what considerations should fall into account when we characterize acts of terrorism, and how we should define these recent events.
Photography Meets Security: A Convenience for Troops
They say pictures are worth a thousand words, but how much more would they be worth if they were also a secure form of communication? From a security perspective, it could be quite a lot. With the introduction of advanced personal technology, states around the world have focused on intelligence gathering, and armies have focused Read More…