Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Jacqueline Hicks

The Cyber Saga Continues: Russian Spies Arrested with Links to Yahoo Cyber-attack

On March 15, The U.S. Department of Justice announced the indictments of two Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) officers in connection with the 2014 hacking of over 500 million Yahoo user accounts. This marks the first criminal case concerning cybersecurity brought directly against Russian government officials, and what seems to be a change in the Read More…

Expanding Community Philip Rafalko

Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum

Erdogan’s victory in the referendum shows the power of a leader channeling the national interest to take back the state. It is another expression of the populist trend sweeping across the Atlantic and the European continent and positions Erdogan closer to Nigel Farage, Donald Trump or Marine Le Pen than it does to Arab dictators in neighbouring Middle-Eastern countries.

Mégane Visette Women in Security

Enforcing UNSCR1325 & Promoting a NATO Gender Advisor for Asia: A Conversation with Betsy Kawamura (Part 2)

Part 2 of this interview with Betsy Kawamura emphasizes the need for a NATO Gender Advisor for East Asia, the legal accountability of UNSCR1325/R2P (responsibility to protect), and Ms. Kawamura’s future projects for survivors and historical reconciliation in East Asia.