Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Touraj Riazi

Know The CCDCOE: Interview with Director Col. Jaak Tarien

Touraj Riazi had the privilege of interviewing Col. Jaak Tarien, Director of NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). The interview concentrates on the functions of the CCDCOE and how they enhance the Alliance’s cybersecurity. Canada is currently in the process of joining the CCDCOE.

NATO and Canada NATO Operations Sedrik Pocuch

Assessing Georgia’s Potential Membership in NATO

Ever since it gained independence from the USSR in 1991, Georgia has had an excellent relationship with NATO. In 1994, Georgia joined the NATO-run Partnership for Peace. This was the first step of a long journey for Georgia to become a member of NATO. In 2008, the Russian Army invaded parts of Georgia, which it Read More…

Sedrik Pocuch Society, Culture, and Security

What Does the World Think About NATO?

What do people think about NATO in distinct regions of the world? The easiest way to answer this question is to look at various NATO opinion polls that have been conducted in different countries over the years. The United States As of 2019, 77 percent of Americans say NATO should be preserved. This support has Read More…