Arjun Singh cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Editors' Forum Neven Vincic

Should cyberattacks be considered an act of war?

From the advent of the U.S.’s development and releasing of the Stuxnet virus in 2010 to the more recent attacks on critical infrastructure, such as the Colonial Pipeline, cyberattacks have become an increasingly prominent and newsworthy facet of contemporary society and international relations. While by no means novel phenomena, amidst these growing developments and in Read More…

Arjun Singh Climate Change Eastern Europe and Russia Energy & Resources Germany Japan Russia Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America Western Europe

Deutschland’s Dissonance: Nordstream, Nazism and NATO’s Peril

Despite NATO’s objections, as Germany persists in cooperation with Russia, Arjun Singh deconstructs the German strategic calculus on Nord Stream 2 and impact of Holocaust history.