Indo-Pacific and NATO

The Indo-Pacific Takeaway: How can NATO build up its resiliency to China and a contentious global order

In this article, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine identifies how a contentious Indo-Pacific can strategically maneuver NATO to preserve transatlantic prosperity by renewing its resiliency to Chinese cyber and economic coercion.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Special Report: Anticipating China’s reaction to NATO’s extra-regional tilt towards the Indo-Pacific

In this special report, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine anticipates the strategic response China will initiate to match NATO’s growing tilt towards the Indo-Pacific as an extra-regional alliance

Arjun Singh Climate Change Eastern Europe and Russia Energy & Resources Germany Japan Russia Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America Western Europe

Deutschland’s Dissonance: Nordstream, Nazism and NATO’s Peril

Despite NATO’s objections, as Germany persists in cooperation with Russia, Arjun Singh deconstructs the German strategic calculus on Nord Stream 2 and impact of Holocaust history.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

The Luring of the Indo-Pacific: Can NATO formulate a collective regional strategy for its members?

In this article, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine explores the unilateral Indo-Pacific strategy of four major powers in NATO and how they pose a challenge for NATO in developing a collective strategy for the region.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

On Thin Ice: Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security in a Circumpolar World

In this article, author Mary Peplinski discusses the shortfalls of Canada’s Arctic policy relating to infrastructure development and national defense. The article also discusses the implications and consequences for northern communities and the Canadian public if a stronger stance towards Canadian Arctic sovereignty is not adopted.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Oh QUAD, What Art Thou?: Key strategic lessons the QUAD can take from NATO’s longstanding history

When the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD)—Australia, India, Japan, and the United States—leaders convened virtually in early March, they discussed the threat of COVID-19, economic cooperation, and the ongoing climate crisis. Despite these real and significant challenges, the QUAD, and its members, are more concerned with the belligerent rise of China in the Indo-Pacific. It is Read More…