NATO and Canada

Should NATO Expand to include non-European States?

NATO has undergone several periods of expansion throughout its long existence. From the original 12 member states in 1949, NATO has expanded to include 30 members now, plus the imminent accession of Finland and Sweden to the alliance. NATO’s expansion has at times been controversial. After the fall of the Soviet Union, many argued that Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO Scott Burns

Canada’s National Economic Security Lens: Is it aimed at China?

Canada has introduced a new “National Economic Security Lens” for foreign investment, beginning with its critical minerals sector. Scott Burns argues that this new policy is aimed at China, with the goals of “friend-shoring” and protecting the supply chain for these minerals for Canada’s future green investments.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

The Taiwan Visit: Canada moving past megaphone diplomacy for its Indo-Pacific Strategy?

In this article, Research Analyst Andrew Erskine examines the recent trip to Taiwan by an all-party Canadian delegation. Specifically, he examines whether the trip offers a new glimpse into Canadian diplomatic thinking, one that is moving past megaphone diplomacy, for the country’s forthcoming Indo-Pacific strategy.

Indo-Pacific and NATO Scott Burns

2022 Halifax International Security Forum: Unity Inspired By The Spirit of the Ukrainians

From November 18 through 20, Halifax hosted its annual International Security Forum with defence ministers and other high-level security officials from around the world. Scott Burns reports from the Forum how the topic of the war in Ukraine was discussed throughout.

NATO and Canada

Canada Urgently Needs a National Security Policy

It has been a busy year for policymakers and strategic thinkers in Canada. Confronting Russian aggression in Europe, balancing the Chinese and Indian relationships, and isolating the Russian economy has proven to be difficult. Domestic unrest due to supply-chain disruptions and exorbitant energy and fuel cost increases has proven to be equally challenging in many Read More…

Canada Katherine Todd Rights Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society, Culture, and Security The Arctic

Food Security in Canada’s Arctic

Inequality, legacies of colonialism, and a lack of modern infrastructure cause residents of Canada’s Arctic to experience higher rates of food insecurity than the rest of the country. Canada needs to create a comprehensive Arctic strategy that addresses food insecurity, the factors contributing to it, and the growing international tension in the Arctic.

NATO and Canada

The Age of Crises? A Primer for the Mid-Twenty-First Century

The British historian Eric Hobsbawm once argued that the nineteenth century had three fundamental periods of change: the “Age of Revolution,” “Age of Capital,” and the “Age of Empire,” which subsequently formed the titles for his magisterial history of that century. His further look at the twentieth century was neatly summarized as the “Age of Read More…