Following the release of the Ms. Marvel comic series, James Keeling gives us an overview of the slowly emerging “Muslim Superhero”.
Taliban Kidnap Video: Canadian-American Couple Plea for Their Rescue
Samantha Di Santo discusses the recent release of a video showing a Canadian-American couple imprisoned by the Taliban.
The Role of ISIS in Syria
Samir Mourani examines the expansionist role of ISIS into Syria and the obstacles it faces from opposing rebel groups on the ground.
Washington Redskins and the Misrepresentation of Indigenous Peoples in the Mainstream Media
Carlos Abarca denounces society’s unrealistic and forced portrayal of indigenous peoples in the mainstream media.
Honour Killings and Gender Discriminatory Laws in Pakistan
Corinne Stancescu examines the phenomenon of honour killings in Pakistan and the laws associated with them.
Outdated and Irrelevant: A Critical Evaluation of Britain’s Military Spending (2/2)
In Part II, Gabriel Mallows explores potential avenues for reform in Britain’s outdated defence spending model.
The Youth Vote and Why It Matters: The Case of Scotland
With Scotland’s historic referendum coming up this September, Carlos Abarca examines the power of mobilising young voters.
Outdated and Irrelevant: A Critical Evaluation of Britain’s Military Spending (1/2)
In Part I, Gabriel Mallows discusses the extent to which Britain’s defence spending is based on an outdated list of potential threats.
Education Access: A Step Towards Gender Equality
Brandon Hazelton explores the ways in which access to education affects gender inequality throughout the world.
A Progressivism Second to Nun? Pope Francis and Women’s Right to Priesthood
James Keeling discusses Pope Francis’ debated progressivism when it comes to women’s right to priesthood.