Roger Hilton identifies the opportunities for Canadian defense firms as Ukraine seeks to strengthen its armed forces.
Canadian Government Urged to Join the Ballistic Missile Defense Programme
Piotr Zulauf discusses Canada’s position on Ballistic Missile Defence.
Sarkozy’s Scandals & the Growing Myth of Leader Accountability
James Keeling looks at the most recent corruption allegations against ex-French president Sarkozy and the activist movements sparked in civil society.
Between a Dictator and a Hard Place: No Happy Ending for North Korean Defectors
James Keeling looks into the disturbing discrimination trends forcing certain North Korean defectors to return to the infamous dictatorship.
The Politics of Waging War and Reserve Force Structure Part II: The Israeli Experience
In Part II, Shahryar Pasandideh discusses the structure of Israel’s reserve forces.
Who’s Afraid of a North Korean Bomb? (Part II)
In Part II, Scott Falls analyzes the security implications of North Korea’s nuclear program and addresses the need for renewed negotiations.
Who’s Afraid of a North Korean Bomb? (Part I)
In Part I, Scott Falls discusses the origin of North Korea’s nuclear program and assesses the state’s current capabilities.
The Syrian Refugee Crisis
In this infographic, Scott Falls addresses the growing concern over Syria’s refugee crisis and outlines what the international community is doing to help.
Canada’s Reserves: A Lesson from the U.S.?
Misha Boutilier discusses the impact that reduced military spending will have in the US and Canada.
Part Two: The Sad State of Canada’s Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue Fleet
Part two of Stefan Konrad’s discussion of Canada’s search and rescue capabilities explores the deficient state of the fixed-wing search and rescue fleet.