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Australia Canada China Indo-Pacific and NATO Japan Mark Davis Madarang Pablo New Zealand North Korea South Korea The United States of America

From Minilaterals to Indo-Pacific Treaty Organization: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

FOIP and RBIO Under Threat While many of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member-states are heavily preoccupied with providing military assistance to Ukraine’s self-defence against Russia’s war of aggression in the eastern flank, the latest string of events in the Indo-Pacific is a growing cause of concern that could spark a regional armed conflict Read More…

China Indo-Pacific and NATO Indonesia Mark Davis Madarang Pablo Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America

The Rise of the ”TikTok General”: Unpacking Possible Continuities and Changes in Indonesia’s Foreign Policy under President-Elect Prabowo Subianto

Abstract: Indonesia’s election commission has confirmed that Minister of Defence Prabowo Subianto will be the next President of Indonesia. What could possibly remain and change in Jakarta’s foreign policy? In this article, Program Editor Mark Davis Madarang Pablo analyzes the probable sets of economic and security policies that Subianto might pursue against the backdrop of Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO Mark Davis Madarang Pablo North Korea Nuclear Deterrence South Korea United States of America

Special Report: Should South Korea Get Nukes? The Rise of Nuclear Popularity and the Quest for Strategic Stability on the Korean Peninsula

Abstract: Given North Korea’s recent advancement in its nuclear weapons development program, should South Korea finally acquire the nuclear bomb? In this article, Program Editor Mark Davis Madarang Pablo analyzes the prospects of Seoul becoming a nuclear-armed state and provides policy options for the United States and the broader NATO Plus Alliance to assist in Read More…

Climate Change Defense Energy & Resources Security, Trade and the Economy Technology

NATO and Energy Security: Changing Times

In the face of the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, the existing Atlantic energy infrastructure has found its Achilles’ heel, namely a reliance on resources controlled by powers with interests that are inimical to the rules-based international order. According to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, the alliance’s goals in the face of this new crisis have Read More…

Mark Davis Madarang Pablo NATO Russia Security, Trade and the Economy

Russia’s Energy Hybrid Warfare and the Limits of the West’s Strategic Decoupling

Abstract: How has the EU’s strategic decoupling from Russia in the energy sector impacted Moscow’s war of aggression in Ukraine? In this article, Program Editor Mark Davis Madarang Pablo examines the latest results of such strategy in response to Russian weaponization of energy and provides policy options for EU and NATO member-states and global partners. Read More…

Canada Canadian Armed Forces Centre For Disinformation Studies cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Intelligence & National Security NATO and Canada NATO Operations Operations Security Technology The United States of America Uncategorized

Summer 2023 NATO Association of Canada-Canadian Army Journal Co-Publication Released

The NATO Association of Canada is pleased to announce the publication of its summer 2023 publication, Cutting through the Haze: Grey Zone Operations and Contemporary Threats. Produced in collaboration with the Canadian Army Journal (CAJ), the volume explores grey zone operations and other dimensions of today’s threat landscape. The grey zone, which the volume describes Read More…

Centre For Disinformation Studies cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Eastern Europe and Russia Technology

Hybrid Threats in the Western Balkans: Implications for NATO and Transnational Security

In this article, NATO Association Program Editor Megan Keli analyzes the use of hybrid warfare in the Western Balkans. Through disinformation campaigns, cyber attacks, local media partnerships, and the like, external actors threaten NATO enlargement in the region and transnational security.