As the Iranian nuclear talks yet again reach a peak, there has of course been a lot of chatter about the potential outcomes of a deal.
Society, Culture, and Security
The NATO Association of Canada’s Society, Culture, and Security program takes a look at the issues that impact Canadians’ every day lives while connecting them to international relations. The program covers a wide range of topics, which include: pop culture, art, film, global events, and socio-political relations. In addition, Society, Culture, and IR aims to examine and provide in-depth analyses that relate international affairs to the interests of Canadian society.
The Facts: Terrorism in 2013
In her latest article, Rija Rasul explores The Global Terrorism Index 2014 Report, and remarks on some interesting findings.
Canadian Surveillance: Bill C- 44 and the Safety of Canadians
In the wake of Remembrance Day it is important to remember that the threats Canada currently faces are not just foreign enemies. The long term security of Canada rests on how we collectively choose to navigate the security landscape. Increasing Governmental powers and authority without increasing oversight (and thereby accountability) is a dangerous path that Read More…
Terror in the Capital
In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal discusses the latest attack in a wave of violence that Israeli leaders are struggling to contain.
Unrest in Jerusalem
In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal discusses the wave of terror attacks sweeping the streets of Jerusalem, and the escalation of tensions over access to the Temple Mount.
A Law Meant to be “Misused”
In her latest article, Rija Rasul examines Pakistan’s blasphemy laws and discusses the recent murder of a Christian couple, beaten to death for allegedly desecrating the Quran.
Censorship: A Disservice to Public Perception
In his latest article, James Keeling examines how media censorship of the Prophet Muhammad has contributed to a gap in knowledge about Islam.
Letters to the Ayatollah: Strange Bedfellows in the Fight Against the Islamic State
In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal discusses the not-so-secret line of communication between President Obama and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and examines the prospect of bilateral cooperation in fighting the Islamic State.
Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaoré Steps Down After 27 Years in Power
Rebecca Mukuna examines the ramifications of Burkina Faso’s shaky political transition.
One Year After the Lampedusa Tragedy – A Reflection on the International Legal Regime on Refugees
In her latest article, Angel Difan Chu discusses the Lampedusa Tragedy and reflects on the International Legal Regime on Refugees.