Is terrorism going to become a normal occurrence as attacks are happening more frequently in the West?
Society, Culture, and Security
The NATO Association of Canada’s Society, Culture, and Security program takes a look at the issues that impact Canadians’ every day lives while connecting them to international relations. The program covers a wide range of topics, which include: pop culture, art, film, global events, and socio-political relations. In addition, Society, Culture, and IR aims to examine and provide in-depth analyses that relate international affairs to the interests of Canadian society.
Is Canada Catching on to the Anti-Immigration Party Movement from Europe?
Anti-immigration parties are becoming more prominent in Europe. Will Canada follow suit?
Is Proportional Representation Good for Extremists?
Critics of proportional representation say it gives a platform to extremism. Is that true?
What Kind of Foreign Policy Is Britain Likely to Pursue After Brexit?
How will Brexit shape Britain’s foreign policy towards other multinational partnerships and organizations?
Immigration: Fact vs. Fiction
With various claims circulating about the effect that immigration has on the receiving countries, this simple guide separates truth from myth.
Belarus: The Protests of the Social Parasites
Rejeanne Lacroix investigates the implementation of the social parasite tax in Belarus and the subsequent nationwide protests. She reflects upon possible political strategies for the former Soviet country.
Refusing Human Rights Watch: A Defense Tactic for the Israeli Government
Human Rights Watch is active around the world, trying to accurately report on human rights abuses and make governments accountable to their people. So why did the Israeli government ban them from obtaining a work visa?
Information Warfare: A Security Threat and a Tool To Advance Political Interests
Today, war doesn’t just mean soldiers and battlefields. As society becomes more dependent on technology, many have found a way to take advantage of the massive collection of information online. What risk does this put us at?
Trump’s Immigration Ban and the Implications on Canadians
Eric Sabiti discusses Trump’s immigration ban and the implications this may have on Canada.
Are Sweden’s Immigrants a Problem?
Is Sweden as bad as it has been portrayed in the media?