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Energy Security

Bulgarian Infrastructure: A Bottleneck to Energy Security on NATO’s Eastern Flank?

Within the upcoming year the configuration of gas supplies in Eastern Europe is expected to change dramatically as Russian flows will be diverted via the TurkStream corridor and new sources of supply from the Caspian Sea or imported as liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be vying for regional markets.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Energy Security Uncategorized

Beyond the Southern Gas Corridor: A Regional Infrastructure Perspective

Looking into the fundamentals of the EU’s energy security strategy, a steadfast resoluteness is evident on the promotion of gas-on-gas competition, supported by benchmark hubs, although the costly field development outside of the Union has always been combined with the guarantee of long-term contracts.

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

Russia Promotes Caspian Economic Cooperation

Diplomatic momentum is gaining on all fronts in favor of the  Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline (TCGP) between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. Both Russian and American diplomats tacitly agree that this is a positive development. Thus last week the new U.S. Ambassador to Georgia (and former Ambassador to Azerbaijan) Ross Wilson publicly stated that “transport projects implemented jointly Read More…

NATO and Canada NATO Operations Uncategorized

Why Operation Unifier Still Matters

Operation Unifier, both a symbol and practical tool of Ukrainian-Canadian military cooperation has been active since 2015. In this article, Isabelle Ava-Pointon argues that this mission, due to end in March 2019, should clearly be extended, due to increasing tensions in the area, upcoming election in Ukraine and a need for greater shows of solidarity and cooperation around the world.