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Canadian Armed Forces Willow Hillman

Canadian Defence Procurement and Civil-Military Relations

In this article, Willow Hillman, considers the utility that developing a military covenant similar to the United Kingdom’s would have for the Canadian Armed Forces’ ability to maintain effectiveness as well as professionally contribute to mending the shoddy defence procurement process.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Emma Tallon

Chennai’s Water Crisis: The Human Implication of Climate Change

Due to climate change, India is currently facing the worst water crisis in recent history. In the city of Chennai, tap water has stopped working, leaving the population with no reliable water source. Emma Tallon reflects on Chennai’s water crisis as a human security emergency.

NATO and Canada Willow Hillman

Bill 9: Changes to the Québec Skilled Worker Program and the Legal Context of Immigration to Canada

In this article, Willow Hillman provides a comprehensive look at the Québec Bill 9 controversy and outlines the discourse regarding the legality of its changes to the Québec Skilled Worker Program.

Security, Trade and the Economy Wu Xiao

Belt and Road Initiative: Understanding China’s Foreign Policy Strategy

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has been a contentious topic in international affairs since it was announced by President Xi Jinping in 2013. The mega-project aiming to connect Central Asia, Europe, and Africa via economic trade routes has received mixed responses from the international community for its lofty goals. Despite criticism about the plan’s Read More…

cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Society, Culture, and Security

The Reality of Social Media and Data Collection: Netflix’s “The Great Hack”

With Netflix’s release of “The Great Hack” late July 2019, Tiffany Kwok reflects on the actions of Cambridge Analytica, and how the data scandal changed the way the world viewed social media data collection.

Energy Security

European Natural Gas Geopolitics on a Collision Course?

Following the Dutch discovery of the Groningen field, and British, Norwegian and Danish discoveries in the North Sea during the 1960s and 1970s, natural gas appeared to offer Europe an opportunity to decrease its dependence on Middle Eastern oil. However, demand for gas quickly outpaced supply, leading West European buyers increasingly to rely on Soviet Read More…

Sedrik Pocuch Society, Culture, and Security

What Does the World Think About NATO?

What do people think about NATO in distinct regions of the world? The easiest way to answer this question is to look at various NATO opinion polls that have been conducted in different countries over the years. The United States As of 2019, 77 percent of Americans say NATO should be preserved. This support has Read More…