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The Middle East and North Africa Women in Security

Sex, Security, and Democracy in Afghanistan

[captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=”” captiontext=”Fawzia Koofi, MP: the Afghan parliament’s first female deputy speaker (Photo: the Guardian)”] Afghanistan was at the top of the agenda when world leaders met this month at NATO’s Chicago summit. Important issues, including a timetable for troop withdrawal and the Alliance’s post-2014 support and training role, were agreed upon. Read More…

Andrew Walker Canada Maritime Nation Terrorism

Breaking The Bottleneck: Maritime Terrorism and “Economic Chokepoints” (part 1)

The probability of a terrorist attack on a major North American port may be low for some security analysts, but given the catastrophic effect an attack could have on such “economic chokepoints,” the costs could be immeasurable.

Amina Abdullayeva NATO and Canada Western Europe

If France Goes Left, is NATO All Right?

[captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=”” captiontext=” French Election 2012: Sarkozy and Hollande.”] It seems that the Élysée Palaceis heading for a change. François Hollande is leading with 28.6% of voter support after the first round of the French presidential elections held on April 22, while Nicolas Sarkozy is just behind him with 27.2%. According Read More…

Africa James M. Bridger Maritime Nation

Talking Somalia with Dr. Christopher Daniels

Interview by James M. Bridger Given the dangers associated with conducting research in the country, Somalia has long suffered from a dearth of genuine academic and journalistic inquiry—resulting in a number of myths and misconceptions. Seeking to counter this, Dr. Christopher Daniels has carried out extensive research in Somalia and the wider region in an Read More…

Canada NATO and Canada Rodnie Allison

The F-35 Wake-Up Call

By Rodnie Allison [captionpix align=”right” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=”” captiontext=” Auditor General Michael Ferguson held a news conference shortly after tabling his spring report on Tuesday. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press).”] “Devastating”, “Biting”, and “Not a Pretty Picture” –  just some of the statements that followed the release of Auditor-General Michael Ferguson’s first report to Parliament.  Yes it is official, Read More…

Africa James M. Bridger Maritime Nation

The EU’s Misguided Move to Fight Pirates Onshore

[captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=”” captiontext=” While successful at deterring and disrupting pirate attacks, foreign military operations alone cannot end Somali piracy.”] When confronting the crisis of Somali piracy, the preferred strategy of the international community has been to deploy naval vessels to protect vulnerable ships and deter and disrupt pirate attacks. The refrain that Read More…

Africa James M. Bridger Maritime Nation

NATO, The African Union and the Fight Against Piracy

By: James Marcus Bridger One would be hard pressed to find an article analyzing Somali piracy—be it journalistic, academic, or militarily focused—that does not make the claim that this maritime problem can only be solved on land. In the four years that the international community has attempted to address this crisis, however, a coherent and Read More…