The NAOC’s Global Horizons program is our outreach initiative oriented specifically towards high school students interested in learning more about international affairs, Canadian foreign policy, and NATO. Our website is dedicated to educating the public on current events in international affairs, and this page is devoted to making that process easier for high school students by providing resources that help guide them into this world and offer advice on pursuing a career in political science or international relations.

Aaron Joshua Pinto Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Expanding Community Global Horizons International Law & Policy NATO and Canada Society, Culture, and Security

Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished: Observing the Verkhovna Rada Elections (Part 1/3)

Aaron Pinto was one of 90 Canadians sent to Ukraine to observe the country’s parliamentary elections in October.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Development Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Global Governance Global Horizons International Law & Policy Mathieu Paul Dumont NATO and Canada Society Society, Culture, and Security

An Ever More Fragile Ceasefire

Western governments have rejected the legitimacy of the separatist poll beacuse the separatist elections undermine the 05 September ceasefire reached in Minsk.

Africa Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Development Eastern Europe and Russia Emily Robinson Energy & Resources Expanding Community Global Horizons Investment Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society The Arctic The Middle East and North Africa

Whats Up With Oil Prices Dropping Down?

October saw the United States produce more oil than Saudi Arabia for the first time in 40 years. What does that mean for Canada? Emily Robinson analyses the fluctuation of oil prices.

Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Emily Robinson Global Horizons NATO and Canada Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society, Culture, and Security Technology The United States of America

Producer vs. Consumer Cost: How Affordable Are Renewables? (Energy Security Part 3/3)

In the final part of her series on Canada’s energy security, Emily Robinson takes a look at the cost of renewables to examine how renewable energy is developing.

Canada Canadian Armed Forces Culture cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense Expanding Community Global Horizons NATO and Canada Security Society Society, Culture, and Security Strategic Reserve Tazrian Alam Technology Terrorism

Chaos in the Capital

Tazrian Alam explains how today’s shootings in Ottawa are the latest in a long history of major security breaches and terrorism incidents in Ottawa and across Canada.

Defense Deika Mohamed Development Expanding Community Global Horizons Health Investment Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society Technology

Malaria Vaccine on the Horizon

British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline is seeking regulatory approval for an antimalarial vaccine. The vaccine is being evaluated by the European Medicines Agencies in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). This could prompt a major global health breakthrough as the disease affects 225 million people worldwide and results in the deaths of approximately 800,000 people, Read More…