The École Polytechnique massacre was a horrific crime. It was also the brutal, explicit assertion of an ideology that is usually hidden. Marc Lépine said he was “fighting feminism.” He said he wanted to stop women from “seizing [the advantages] accorded to men.” He said they had ruined his life. Fast-forward 25 years after December 6, 1989. This Read More…
Expanding Community
The Expanding Community program at the NAOC has three aims. First, the program seeks to explore the growth of the NATO alliance, prospective members and relationship with partners. Secondly, it looks at human rights issues and its effects on NATO member and partner countries. Thirdly, it features Canada’s global connections, including our links to other nations on a bilateral basis, and the role Canada plays within international and multilateral institutions. Check back regularly for original articles, as well as links to related news, blog posts and videos from around the world.
The Security-Development Nexus: The Prison of Old Concepts (Part 1 of 3)
Emily Robinson questions whether or not the development of the South should (or is able to) follow the Western model.
Whats Up With Oil Prices Dropping Down?
October saw the United States produce more oil than Saudi Arabia for the first time in 40 years. What does that mean for Canada? Emily Robinson analyses the fluctuation of oil prices.
Boko Haram’s Spread of Violence Continues
Rebecca Mukuna on Boko Haram’s political rise, despite international intervention
Russia untying the Caspian knot
In her article Sonia Hukil highlights the sticking points of the fourth Caspian Sea Summit, and its significance to the West, notably NATO.
November 6- Energy Security Roundtable in London, ON
How is the energy-environment nexus reconciled (or not) in Canada? Come join the discussion!
The Underpriveledged Economy of an Unrecognized State
In a region infested with corruption, war, and poverty, Somaliland has done the improbable and emerged as a successful autonomous state.
Part Two: Canada’s Energy Security
Emily Robinson analyses the pros and cons of Canada’s oil sands, nuclear energy, and renewable energy for Canadian energy security.
Chaos in the Capital
Tazrian Alam explains how today’s shootings in Ottawa are the latest in a long history of major security breaches and terrorism incidents in Ottawa and across Canada.
Why India must illuminate Canada’s radar and vice-versa?
The author Sonia Hukil analyses why the two great powers- Canada and India must illuminate each other’s radar screens?