The question of the decade: Can we continue to prosper economically while combatting climate change? Our editors weigh in.
Stefan Konrad
Stefan Konrad is a Research Analyst with the NATO Association of Canada. Previously, he was the Defence Procurement Program Editor and a Junior Research Fellow focusing on defence procurement issues. He has an M.A. in Intelligence and Security Studies from the University of Brunel and a Honours B.A. in Political Science from Trinity Western University.
Drones: Forget the Moral Argument, Are They Actually Strategic?
Are armed drones actually strategic in conflict? Our editors examine the pros and cons, and attempt to separate the moral argument from the strategic.
Your Problem Is Not My Problem
Crisis in the Mediterranean. Whose problem is it? Our Editors debate in this week’s Water Cooler. Also featuring an Atlantic Treaty Association official!
The Man That Snitched
In our most recent Water Cooler debate, the Editors sound off on Edward Snowden, and it gets personal. Hero, Traitor or Neither?
A Calculated Risk: Intelligence Collection, Political Controversies and the Snowden Revelations
Stefan Konrad explores the political ramifications and lessons that can be learned from the Chancellor Merkel phone tapping scandal.
The Iraqi Army: Gaining or Losing Ground?
Our Program Editors debate whether the Iraqi Army (and the militias), alongside the US-led coalition, are actually making progress in the fight against IS.
Fear, Pain and Coercion: An Introduction to Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (Part I)
In the first part of an eight article series, Stefan Konrad explores the moral and legal dilemmas of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.
Defence Spending and the Quest for Balanced Budgets
Stefan Konrad analyzes the defence spending plans outlined in the 2015 Federal Budget.
The Royal Australian Navy’s Collins-class submarine replacement project
Stefan Konrad gives readers a detailed look at Australia’s new submarine procurement program and how it can be a powerful case study for the Royal Canadian navy
Time for a Renewed, Non-Partisan Commitment to Canada’s Military
Stefan Konrad reports on how partisan politics are becoming detrimental to the establishment of a suitable defence policy for Canada