A list of authors, past and present

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Uri Marantz

From Cyber Security to Cyber Warfare

Public Safety Canada and the Department of Homeland Security in the United States recently announced the Cyber Security Action Plan of 2012, a bilateral initiative designed to improve both countries’ cyber security forces and protect mutually vulnerable digital infrastructure.  This plan indicates that cyber security threats are not bound by national boundaries or confined to Read More…

Enko Koceku NATO and Canada Strategic Reserve

New Horizons: The Future as Dictated by Canadian Military Procurement

In July 2011, the Canadian Forces completed their decade long combat deployment in Afghanistan as part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force. While the Government of Canada has kept 950 individuals in Kabul on board as advisors for Afghan army training personnel, one must wonder what  lies on the horizon for the Canadian Armed Read More…

Andrew Chisholm Canada NATO and Canada

Shifting to the Anglosphere: ideology, experience, or both?

Canada and the UK recently signed a memorandum detailing their intention to find ways to cooperate in providing consular services in countries where one or the other does not have representation. The announcement prompted a great deal of commentary, on many different aspects of the move.

Alexander Brown

Election Follow-up: Adapt or Die

With the election and its endless flow of rhetoric now mercifully in the rear view mirror, America, and more specifically the Republican Party, finds itself in a precarious position. Mitt Romney ran a well-funded and solid – if not overly safe – campaign, but President Obama was still awarded a second-term despite record-low job numbers, sagging poll Read More…