Magan Haycock compares the state of the Greek, British and Canadian civil service and the cuts they face.
5. Authors of the NCC
A list of authors, past and present
Withering Rights: Civil Liberties in the Age of Vladimir Putin
James Monteith on the state of Russian civil liberties under Vladimir Putin.
State of Emergency in Nigeria: No Easy Solution
Chris Edwards on the ongoing military operations in Nigeria and the history of Boko Haram in the country.
The Visayan Forum Foundation: Fighting Human Trafficking and a Tarnished Reputation
Avery Bruenjes on human trafficking in the Philippines and the challenges facing the Visayan Forum Foundation.
NATO in the North? The Debate Over an Alliance Presence in the Arctic
Andrew Chisholm considers the debate over whether NATO should play a role in Arctic security. Which players are driving it, why Canada is opposed, and what is a better option for Canadian interests in the region.
Uncharted Territory: Scotland’s Referendum and the International Response to Democratic Secession
Daniel Troup on the upcoming Scottish referendum and what it means for NATO and EU relations.
The Uncertainty of NATO’s Mission in Afghanistan
Bahram Rahman on what will be the nature of NATO’s mission in Afghanistan after 2014.
From Fighting Piracy to Terrorism, the PMPF Saga Continues
James M. Bridger traces the compelling story of the Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF).
The Importance of NATO’s Drone Programme in Europe
Krista Burns on the importance of NATO’s drone programme in Europe and what does Germany’s decision to cancel Euro Hawk project mean for this programme.
When Money Talks Security: Financial diplomacy
Tyler Amos on the Cypriot crisis and the rise of financial diplomacy.