Are rising temperatures increasing the risk of civil war? Emily Simonin examines the evidence.
Emily Simonin
Visual Guide to NATO Funding
Emily Simonin visually presents NATO’s funding DNA.
Infographic Guide to NATO Operations Past and Present
Emily Simonin gives a guide to all of NATO’s past and present operations with links to relevant articles on each topic for further reading.
Albania and NATO: A Promising Start
In light of Albania’s recent inaugural maritime operations as a NATO member, Emily Simonin briefly reviews the success of the operation and the progress of Albania.
Ireland’s Economic Story: From Boom To Bust and Back
Half infograph, half article, Emily Simonin reviews how Ireland went from collapse to prospectively being the first European country to exit its bailout.
All That Glitters, Is Not Gold
Emily Simonin on the reckless role of credit rating agencies in the financial crisis and the future of the ratings industry.
Ireland: NATO or Neutrality
Emily Simonin examines what Ireland could offer NATO and whether or not membership is on the horizon.
U.S. Arctic Policy: Clear Path for Canada to Build On
Emily Simonin looks at U.S. policy developments in the Arctic and their implications for Canada.