Thursday, April 14, 3:00 pm
3115 32 Ave NW, Energy Environment Experiential
3rd Floor. Room EEEL 345
The military role of Unmanned Aerial Systems, or drones, is expanding rapidly. From intelligence surveillance, rescue missions, to air combat, these machines will profoundly change our approach to modern conflict. The Canadian Armed Forces is seeking to procure its own fleet of unmanned vehicles.
The Joint Unmanned Surveillance Target Acquisition System, or JUSTAS, is the CAF’s long term project to enhance Canada’s defence strategy through unmanned systems. Join us as we discuss JUSTAS’s progress, the latest technology in the Canadian unmanned systems sector, and how this will shape future CAF operations.
free event for students, staff and faculty members of the University of Calgary.
$25 for non-members and $20 for members.
Speaker Biographies
Dr. Alex Ramirez-Serrano
Dr. A. Ramirez-Serrano is a professor at the University of Calgary where he was the director of the graduate program and is the founder and director of the Autonomous Reconfigurable Robotic Systems Laboratory which performs R&D activities in unmanned vehicle systems.
Dr. Ramirez-Serrano is also the founder and CEO of 4Front Robotics, a Canadian Unmanned Vehicle Systems company developing highly maneuverable unmanned systems for confined environments. Dr. Ramirez-Serrano investigates/develops portable autonomous/intelligent reconfigurable Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) for civil, police, EMS and military applications.
Danny Garrett-Rempel
Danny Garrett-Rempel graduated from the University of Victoria in 2009 with a BA (Hon) degree in History. His honours thesis was titled: “Afghanistan and the Emergence of the Taliban: Weighing the Role of Islam as Mobilizing Force.”
He recently completed a Master’s degree in Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary’s Centre for Military, Security, and Strategic Studies. His research interests include international security, Canadian defence policy, Middle Eastern history, and counterterrorism.