Society, Culture, and Security Tristan Price

A Third Nuclear Age: Russia’s Role in Nuclear Proliferation Since the Invasion of Ukraine

At a Royal United Services Institute event in December 2024, the head of the UK military, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, claimed that the world could be on the brink of a “third nuclear age”. Nuclear weapon proliferation is on the rise, largely driven by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is important to identify the Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO Mark Davis Madarang Pablo North Korea Nuclear Deterrence South Korea United States of America

Special Report: Should South Korea Get Nukes? The Rise of Nuclear Popularity and the Quest for Strategic Stability on the Korean Peninsula

Abstract: Given North Korea’s recent advancement in its nuclear weapons development program, should South Korea finally acquire the nuclear bomb? In this article, Program Editor Mark Davis Madarang Pablo analyzes the prospects of Seoul becoming a nuclear-armed state and provides policy options for the United States and the broader NATO Plus Alliance to assist in Read More…