NATO and Canada Willow Hillman

Between a Dragon and an Eagle: What Is the Huawei Controversy and Why Does It Matter to Canadians?

In this article, Willow Hillman outlines the controversy surrounding Huawei and the US’ extradition request for Meng Wanzhou, and explains some of the main reasons why this situation matters to Canadians.

Podcasts The Water Cooler

Is Trump Good for NATO? – The Water Cooler (Ep. 1)

In the first episode of “The Water Cooler,” (renamed since recording) Basil Ammane and William Lloyd, with David Lazzam moderating, discuss whether or not U.S. President Donald Trump is good for NATO. After listening, make sure to vote on Twitter or Facebook for the side you agree with. Enjoy! Photo: U.S. Secretary of State Michael Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Naz Gocek Uncategorized

A Glimpse into Locked Shields 2019

In order to stay relevant and effective, international organizations and alliances must adapt to present-day challenges. While an organization’s broad mandate and purpose will generally stay the same over time, its objectives and instruments are often revised due to the constantly changing state of international relations. A recent development that has substantially altered global affairs Read More…

NATO and Canada NATO Operations William Lloyd

NATO’s 70th Anniversary

When the Treaty of Brussels was signed on August 25, 1948, the world was, geopolitically speaking, a strikingly different place.  Just three years prior, Germany had signed its unconditional surrender, officially ending a war that left upwards of 60 million killed. When informed by advisors that Soviet forces were a day’s march from Berlin, Hitler Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy Tiffany Kwok

Growing Up, or Apart? : European Strategic Autonomy

The mutual dependency of nations for the purposes of protection is a normalized standard in international security. Yet, this complementary relationship is not one that is easily achieved and requires a lot to maintain. In recent years, the term ‘strategic autonomy’ has stimulated interest amongst a large European collective, producing both supporters and opponents of Read More…

Germany NATO Security, Trade and the Economy Tiffany Kwok

The Business Behind Security: Germany’s NATO Contribution

The security and policy of a country has often been dependent upon the global community and has required the responsibility of not only themselves but also their allies. However, with shifting transatlantic relations and uncertainty brooding between countries and international organizations like that between the United States and several NATO allies, the cornerstones of what Read More…

Anvesh Jain NATO and Canada

Canada, NATO, and the ‘Dumbbell’ Concept

This year, NATO celebrates the 70th anniversary of its storied history – but the current multilateral structure of the alliance was not always a given. Since its 1949 inception, diplomats, politicians, and strategists have occasionally theorized a “Dumbbell” concept of NATO. What does this mean, and why did the “Dumbbell” never take shape?

China China Film Reviews Society, Culture, and Security Wu Xiao

The Wandering Earth: China’s Cinematic Space Race

The Chinese science fiction film The Wandering Earth (Liu Lang Di Qiu) shattered boxes offices in 2019. Directed by Frant Gwo, the movie follows the Liu family’s post-apocalyptic space mission to save Earth from Jupiter’s gravitational orbit. The film’s thematic statements and successful public reception are a reflection of China’s increasing confidence in its space exploration program.