Elise Wagner Lex et Orbis The Middle East and North Africa

Defying International Law, Syria and the Islamic State Accused of Using Chemical Weapons

Despite promising to destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons, Syria has once again been accused of using the banned arms against its civilians. The Islamic State has also been accused and these accusations were levelled in a new UN report released earlier this month.

Canadian Armed Forces Jayson Derow

Peacekeeping Promises Little Peace: The Realities of 21st Century Conflicts

Canada was once viewed as a leader of UN peacekeeping missions. However, this role has shifted with the changing nature of global conflicts. Jayson Derow discusses why it would be more effective for the Liberal government to devote military resources to the battle in Iraq and Syria, instead of fragmenting the Canadian Armed Forces to various ineffective missions in Africa to fight the same enemy.

Canadian Armed Forces Jayson Derow

Was it Worth it? Canada’s Intervention in Afghanistan and why we Left too Soon

The decision to endure the fight in Afghanistan was difficult for Canada to make, and this country did so at a relatively substantial cost. Jayson Derow discusses the triumphs of the Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan and why a sustained commitment of troops is needed in order to ensure the success of Canada’s three signature projects.

Jayson Derow Operations

Empty Threats or an Unsettling Reality? Why Statistics Should not Represent the Impact of Terrorism

Although statistics are able to present data in a way that shows an event as less probable of occurring, Jayson Derow discusses why the uncertainty of time and place that accompanies ISIS’ threats should not be dismissed by Western societies.

Expanding Community Zhikica Pagovski

The Nice Attack: Another Call to Invoke NATO’s Article 5

In two separate Fox News interviews several hours after the terrorist attack in Nice on July 14, 2016 , both presumptive candidates for the U.S. presidency suggested a mobilization of NATO in the war against ISIS. Zhikica Pagovski explores the Nice Attack can justify for action to be taken under NATO’s Article 5.