NATO and Canada Victoria Clennan

NATO’s 2% Spending Minimum. Will Canada Ever Make It?

On April 8th, 2024, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a new federal investment plan in defence spending for the 2024 federal budget. The “Our North: Strong and Free” defence policy update proposed to raise Canada’s defence spending-to-GDP ratio to 1.76% by 2029-30, amounting to $8.1 billion over five years, and $73 billion over 20 years, in new Read More…

Society, Culture, and Security

Will it take a military disaster to convince Canadians that defence must be taken seriously?

March was not a great month for Canadian defence policy, even such as it is. It began with the publication by the CBC of a December 2023 Department of National Defence report stating that: “Only 58 per cent of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) would be able to respond if called upon in a crisis Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO Scott Burns

Canada’s National Economic Security Lens: Is it aimed at China?

Canada has introduced a new “National Economic Security Lens” for foreign investment, beginning with its critical minerals sector. Scott Burns argues that this new policy is aimed at China, with the goals of “friend-shoring” and protecting the supply chain for these minerals for Canada’s future green investments.

Indo-Pacific and NATO Scott Burns

2022 Halifax International Security Forum: Unity Inspired By The Spirit of the Ukrainians

From November 18 through 20, Halifax hosted its annual International Security Forum with defence ministers and other high-level security officials from around the world. Scott Burns reports from the Forum how the topic of the war in Ukraine was discussed throughout.