Energy Security Uncategorized

Le Gazoduc Transcaspien Pour la Consolidation de la Paix Dans le Caucase du Sud

Le Directeur du Programme de Sécurité énergétique Dr. Robert M. Cutler a participé le 2 février à la Conférence annuelle « Voisinages » organisée par l’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, qui porte cette année le titre : Quid de l’après Covid 19 pour la relation entre l’UE et ses voisinages : compagnonnage renouvelé ou proximité Read More…

Energy Security

European Energy Consumers Welcome Caspian Gas

The year 2020 was very difficult for the energy sector, and the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have negative effects on it. Despite all challenges, however, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) was completed and began commercial operations on 15 November 2020. The TAP is the European leg of the Southern Gas Corridor that transports gas to Read More…

Asia-Pacific Emilio Angeles Indo-Pacific and NATO Security, Trade and the Economy

Biden and the Comprehensive and Progressive Transpacific Partnership: Challenges for Re-entry

The greatest challenge for Biden in the Pacific may be proving that U.S participation in multilateral-free trade agreements is a necessity and not a luxury. Emilio Angeles writes.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Special Report – Trump’s NATO Legacy: What Does It Mean for Joe Biden?

In this special report, NAOC Senior Editor, Justin Dell, provides a dispassionate analysis of Donald Trump’s legacy for NATO by setting it against the backdrop of the wider historical context of American domestic politics. He explores its implications for Joe Biden’s relationship with the alliance.

Energy Security

The Opening of the Southern Gas Corridor

Download: Energy Security Research Brief No. 2 January 2021 (11 pages, 315KB) Title: The Opening of the Southern Gas CorridorAuthor: Mariana LiakopoulouSeries: Energy Security Program Research Brief No. 2Date: January 2021 The Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) is a 3,500-kilometre network of three pipelines: the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), Trans- Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) and Trans-Adriatic Pipeline Read More…

Arjun Singh Editors' Forum Maria Zelenova Nicole Dougherty

How did recognizing the results of the 2020 US election become political?

On November 7, Joe Biden won the United States presidential election, a victory confirmed by the Electoral College vote on December 15. However, Trump continues to question the results of the election.