Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Farzin Bakhtiar Uncategorized

The Rohingya Refugee Crisis: How Much More Can Bangladesh Take?

The feeling of not belonging can be one of the most dreadful and trying feelings in the world. For the Rohingya people, this feeling has become a constant, stagnate feeling for the past four years. The Rohingya are an ethnic minority group in Myanmar, although the Rohingya Muslims “are the largest percentage of Muslims in Read More…

Canadian Armed Forces Farzin Bakhtiar NATO and Canada Uncategorized

An Insight into the Canadian Training Assistance Team (CTAT-L) in Lebanon Through Captain Mike Wonnacott

Photos are of Lebanese Armed Forces Land Border Regiment Soldiers being instructed in winter survival and shelter construction, winter-related first aid and casualty evacuation, basic dismounted reconnaissance skills, snowmobile driving, and maintenance, and of course – hockey! All instructors in these photos are 31 Canadian Brigade Group. Additional instructors for the advanced training package came Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Farzin Bakhtiar Uncategorized

Pollution Havens and Climate Security: Is There a Solution?

The notion of  Lawrence H. Summers, whereby production that emits an excess quantity of pollution should be done in countries specializing in pollution-intensive industries, highlights a severe collective action problem that is yet to be solved by the international community. With the height of globalization, the implications of the global political economy on the environment Read More…

NATO and Canada NATO Operations Naz Gocek Uncategorized

Ukraine’s New President and NATO

The second decade of the 21st century has been defined by the rise of political newcomers in Europe as mavericks like Emmanuel Macron, Beppe Grillo and Zuzana Caputova have successfully challenged incumbent politicians. Now, the club has a new member: the recently elected president of Ukraine, comedian Volodymyr Zelensky. He won the runoff election against Read More…

NATO and Canada NATO Operations Naz Gocek Operations Uncategorized

General Wolters Replaces Senator Scaparrotti as Supreme Allied Commander Europe

When people talk about NATO, they often refer to the Alliance as a unitary actor that supports certain values and undertakes specific actions. Sometimes they discuss the policies of its member states. There is nothing wrong with referring to NATO as a single actor or as a group of states; an alliance is meant to Read More…

Canadian Armed Forces Farzin Bakhtiar NATO and Canada Uncategorized

Canada in the Korean War: A Day of Remembrance

The first proxy war of the Cold War broke out roughly 69 years ago today, on June 25th, 1950, with the invasion of North Korea onto South Korea across the 38th parallel. It was not until the election of Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent in 1948 that Canada changed its character towards Korea and the Read More…

Basel Ammane Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Uncategorized

A Review of Black Code: Surveillance, privacy, and the Dark Side of the Internet

           For the past twenty years the internet has become more and more embedded in the lives of millions of people. This change has not just been taking place in affluent developed countries, but has rather spread to many developing countries as well. In fact, the gap is narrowing in terms of the number of Read More…