Christopher Kelly on the bleak attitudes held by French citizens with regard to the current state of their economy and their future.
6. Regions
placeholder for regions
The Harper Government and Canada’s Contribution to NATO: A Fact Sheet
Christopher Kelly outlines Canada’s decision to withdraw from NATO surveillance programs.
Japan in the Red: Taxes, Fragile Growth, and Overwhelming Debt
In his efforts to tackle its growing sovereign debt, Japan might stifle its fragile economic progress. Diana Rivera examines Abe’s tax plan and fiscal cuts and their potential effects.
Albania and NATO: A Promising Start
In light of Albania’s recent inaugural maritime operations as a NATO member, Emily Simonin briefly reviews the success of the operation and the progress of Albania.
The Malian Election: What’s Next?
On August 11th, Mali successfully held elections. Paul Pryce analyzes the results and their implications for international aid efforts.
The Chinese-Russian Naval Exercise 2013
Sarah Danruo Wang looks at the Chinese-Russian Naval Exercise, Joint Sea 2013, and illustrates historical maritime disputes in the East Asian region.
Unfeasible, Unwise, Unlikely: NATO and the Israel-Palestine Peace Process
Maureen Handrahan discusses a potential NATO peace operation as part of the resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Part II of II.
Opening up the Closet: Improving Canadian Gay Rights Advocacy Abroad
Tyler Amos discusses Canada’s official reaction to the Russian anti gay propaganda laws and explores the possibility of enhancing Canadian gay rights advocacy abroad.
High Risk, High Reward: NATO and the Israel-Palestine Peace Process
Maureen Handrahan discusses a potential NATO peace operation as part of the resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Part I of II.
Russia Gone Rogue: Arms Deals and Instability in the Middle East
Alexandra Zakreski examines how Russian policy is deliberately undermining US and NATO interests in the Middle East.