Corinne Stancescu examines the debate surrounding Louise Arbour’s critique and assessment of such international initiatives as the ICC and R2P.
Women in Security
Women in Security covers a wide-range of issues as it explores the link between women, security, and development. As a forum to stimulate discussion and instructive debates, the NATO Association of Canada will examine the ways in which women both contribute to and are the focus of Canadian and NATO defence and security initiatives. This program also offers a critical look at the structures and institutions that shape the role of women in security at home and abroad.
Modern Day Slavery: Human and Sex Trafficking in India
Corinne Stancescu examines the current issues and challenges surrounding human and sex trafficking of women in India.
Women’s Rights Voices in the Global South
Seema explores some of the historical voices in human rights of the global south to reaffirm the importance of remembering the legacies of such voices in present and future discussions of human rights.
Women and Girls Caught in Syria’s Civil War
Nancy Kanwal explores how the ongoing Syrian Civil War has deprived women and girls of their most fundamental human rights to health, dignity and security.
Women in the Workplace in Jordan
Seema Kawar discusses the importance of the presence of women in the workplace and public space in Jordan, and explores the progress made so far and what needs to be done for the future.
The Defence Gender Gap Extends Beyond the Military
Daniel argues that gender equality can be measured in any country by the number of defense portfolios awarded to women throughout its history, with Minister of Defense being the most telling.
The Niqab Debate: Why the Arguments for Banning the Face Veil During Citizenship Ceremonies are Unconvincing
As the great Canadian niqab debate continues, Olga Radchenko joins in, deconstructing and contesting the federal government’s arguments.
The National Action Plan for the Women of Afghanistan: Implementation of the Security Pillar Eight Years Later
With only a few years left until the end of the National Action Plan for the Women of Afghanistan’s implementation period, Nancy Kanwal explores how much progress the government of Afghanistan made to include more women in national and international decision making processes.
Women and War in Ukraine: Women’s Roles in the Conflict and the Conflict’s Impact on Women
Olga Radchenko examines how women have been experiencing and participating in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
Militarized Masculinity and Gendered Security: War and Peace From a Feminist Perspective III
Saman Rejali analyses how the creation of soldiers through gendered military indoctrination inhibits their abilities to act as peacekeepers and non-violent actors both at home and abroad.