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Central Asia Security, Trade and the Economy

Fulcrum of Hegemony: Investment Battle in Sri Lanka Marks Return of US Soft Power Agenda in Asia

Sri Lanka is currently the geopolitical fulcrum between the East and the West. Dominant states in their respective regions have utilized foreign direct investment as a tool of soft power to assert influence in Sri Lanka. Investor states have funded development initiatives, believing the compounded interest of good will, will pay strategic dividends for securing Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Nasser Haidar Society, Culture, and Security Women in Security

The Case Of The Returning Jihadi: A Talk by Rukmini Callimachi, Janice Stein and Amarnath Amarsingam

Ideology A peculiar thing about those that choose a life of extremism, is that despite all their flair for violence, they are extraordinarily ordinary. They are people, just like us, and they have a deeply articulated cause that they think is worthy of death. Amarnath Amarsingam wonders why we’re asking the wrong questions when it Read More…

Maria Pepelassis Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America Western Europe

Ready for Change?: France’s Labour Reforms, China-US Trade and the Power of Political Culture

France’s labour reforms, although popular, have ignited widespread union opposition. Maria Pepelassis discusses the enduring importance of political culture, and specifically, socialist politics in France.

McCartney Lee Society, Culture, and Security

The Land of Opportunity: The Handmaids Tale and the Truth About Canadian Asylum Seeking

The popular TV Drama “The Handmaids Tale” portrays Canada as a benevolent ally of American based asylum seekers. However, Canada’s current asylum seeking process is far more complicated and bureaucratic than Hollywood would lead us to believe.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Michelle Verbeek

Notable Revisions at the 2018 ASEAN Summit: South China Sea Non-Consensus

The publication of the Chairman’s Statement at the 32nd ASEAN Summit notably deleted points on the South China Sea from its initial draft. With ASEAN being the region’s best chance to hedge against China’s military dominance, this raises key questions about the future possibility of conflict in the region.

Asia-Pacific Democratic People's Republic of Korea Diplomatic Relations Germany Republic of Korea Security, Trade and the Economy Yun Sik (James) Hwang

The Asian Web: A New Perspective with the Consul General of Germany in Toronto

In this series of podcast interviews, Yun Sik (James) Hwang interviews Consul General Peter Fahrenholtz of the Federal Republic of Germany in Toronto about his personal experience as a diplomat, Canada-Germany relations, and the experience of German re-unification.

Asia-Pacific Canada Democratic People's Republic of Korea Diplomatic Relations Lionel Widmer Republic of Korea Security, Trade and the Economy Yun Sik (James) Hwang

Special Interview with the Honourable Hugh Segal: Canada in the Asia-Pacific Region

In the final part of a three-part series, Yun Sik (James) Hwang interviews the Honourable Hugh Segal about Canada’s presence in the Asia-Pacific region.