The Expanding Community program at the NAOC has three aims. First, the program seeks to explore the growth of the NATO alliance, prospective members and relationship with partners. Secondly, it looks at human rights issues and its effects on NATO member and partner countries. Thirdly, it features Canada’s global connections, including our links to other nations on a bilateral basis, and the role Canada plays within international and multilateral institutions. Check back regularly for original articles, as well as links to related news, blog posts and videos from around the world.

Expanding Community Zhikica Pagovski

The Nice Attack: Another Call to Invoke NATO’s Article 5

In two separate Fox News interviews several hours after the terrorist attack in Nice on July 14, 2016 , both presumptive candidates for the U.S. presidency suggested a mobilization of NATO in the war against ISIS. Zhikica Pagovski explores the Nice Attack can justify for action to be taken under NATO’s Article 5.

Expanding Community Sonia Liang

Security in the Nordics, Part I of II: Finno-Russian Relations in an Era of Instability

Part I of this series examines Finland’s efforts to keep relations with Russia open and pragmatic at the same time as she pursues closer cooperation with NATO. Stay tuned for Part II, which evaluates the Swedish perspective on Baltic security

Expanding Community Natasha Dobrijevic

Financing Education: Understanding the Education Cannot Wait Fund

In countries and communities where war and natural disasters can last for years, children are not given the opportunity to realize their right to eduction. Natasha Dobrijevic explores the new Education Cannot Wait fund and what it means for the future of education in emergencies.