Since its inception in 1949, Canada has played an integral role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its numerous military and non-military engagements. As a founding member, Canada’s involvement over the past 70 years has varied from troop deployment and training in Europe during much of the Cold War, to activity abroad in places like Afghanistan and Libya. The articles in the NATO and Canada program examine NATO’s operational history and Canada’s role from a multitude of perspectives. The NATO Association of Canada aims to supply Canadians with a greater insight into the inner workings of this long-standing alliance and its Canadian contributions.

Canada China Climate Change Defence Spending Defense Diplomatic Relations Eric Jackson Europe NATO and Canada NATO Operations The United States of America Western Europe

Prepping for 2030: The Young Leaders’ Perspective on NATO’s Future

Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is set to outline the NATO 2030 initiative to the 30 NATO member countries next week. In prep, Eric Jackson highlights the NATO 2030 Young Leaders’ recommendations on how to strengthen the Alliance.

Eric Jackson NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Political Accounting: Rethinking NATO’s ‘2 percent’ Rule

Is the ‘2 percent’ rule an effective way to measure a member State’s commitment to NATO? Eric Jackson explores how political manipulation in current defence spending misrepresents a nation’s military readiness and suggests a broader definition for security expenditures.

Elliott Simpson NATO and Canada

Tblisi and NATO – Past, Present and an Uncertain Future

Despite Russia knocking at the door, Georgia is seeking to deepen its ties with the West and join NATO. However, to understand the present, and attempt to predict the future of Georgia’s relationship with the alliance, Elliott Simpson examines the events of 2008 and their aftermath.

Elliott Simpson NATO and Canada

Stockholm’s Decision: Examining Sweden’s Future with NATO

A recent boost in Swedish military spending, growing support by Swedish voters and government to join NATO, and heightened tensions with Russia all point to one question: Will Stockholm join the alliance? In this article, Elliott Simpson presents the case of Sweden and its relationship with NATO.