Elliott Simpson NATO and Canada

Tblisi and NATO – Past, Present and an Uncertain Future

Despite Russia knocking at the door, Georgia is seeking to deepen its ties with the West and join NATO. However, to understand the present, and attempt to predict the future of Georgia’s relationship with the alliance, Elliott Simpson examines the events of 2008 and their aftermath.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

On Thin Ice: Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security in a Circumpolar World

In this article, author Mary Peplinski discusses the shortfalls of Canada’s Arctic policy relating to infrastructure development and national defense. The article also discusses the implications and consequences for northern communities and the Canadian public if a stronger stance towards Canadian Arctic sovereignty is not adopted.

3. Events Calendar Previous Events Uncategorized

Ukraine’s Central Role in Europe’s Energy Security

Gas transit through Ukraine is a matter not just of energy security but of national security for Ukraine and other countries in the wider region. Russia showed its willingness to the weaponize gas trade when it cut off supplies to Ukraine and Europe in the middle of winter in 2006 and 2009. Many believe that Read More…

Energy Security

Euro-Caspian Energy Security and Geoeconomics

This edited transcript of a 40-minute podcast interview (1 November 2020) covers the Caspian Sea’s legal regime, national interests of its littoral states, Turkey’s role in Euro-Caspian energy security, American and Chinese interests in the region, and why the Caspian Sea’s significance will increase still more in future.

Centre For Disinformation Studies

‘The Kids Are Alright’: How Young Journalists Find Ways to Report on Social Issues in Russia

In this article, Maria Zelenova examines how Russian independent journalists have been able to adapt under harsh censorship laws, creating a new ecosystem for reporting on important stories.

Energy Security

What Next for the Nordstream 2 Pipeline?

Title: What’s Next for the Nordstream 2 Pipeline?Featured Speakers: Dr. Robert M. Cutler (Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Energy Security Program at NATO Association of Canada), Dr. Sławomir Dębski (Director, Polish Institute of International Affairs), Dr. Alan Riley (Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council), Dr. Maria Shagina (Centre for EastEuropean Studies, University of Zurich)Series: Energy Read More…