Natalia Valencia examines the conditions continuing to make the growing presence of Al Qaeda in the Magreh (AQIM) in Africa’s Sahel region a worrying concern.
Tag: extremist
The Trans-Nationalization of Far-Right Extremism, Part 2: Potential Solutions
In the second part of a two-part series on the trans-nationalization of far-right extremism, Aidan Simardone discusses how the international community could address the threat of far-right extremism.
When Terrorism Begets Terrorism: Could Terrorists Benefit from Increasing Tensions between Afghanistan and Pakistan?
How has the recent spate of terror attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan increased tensions between the two countries to the benefit of terrorists? Farah Bogani explores
The Other Extremism: Far-Right Movements and Vigilantism in Canada
The recent tragedy in Quebec highlighted the severity of the threat posed by far-right movements and vigilantism in Canada. Nabil Bhatia analyzes the magnitude and organizational structure of far-right extremist groups in Canada, and suggests necessary steps that the Canadian government should take.
United Nations Security Council 1325: 15 Years Later
In 2000, the UNSC passed resolution 1325. Nancy Kanwal discusses key findings from the Global Study on the implementation of resolution 1325.