Security, Trade and the Economy Yoothika Taneja

A Perfect Storm? Sanctions on Russia and The New Energy Reality in Europe

Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has resulted in a pivotal shift in the world order. The 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea now appears as a disregarded warning. Allowed to fester, it developed into an overt display of despotic militarism that now threatens not just the sovereignty of Ukraine but also the stability of other democratic Read More…

Energy Security

Azerbaijan on Course to Increase Gas Exports to Europe

As the EU seeks to diversify its sources for energy imports, Azerbaijan will likely reap important benefits. The significant question is how rapidly it can ramp up its exports via the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC). Exports by way of the SGC go through Georgia (via the South Caucasus Pipeline, SCP), then across Turkey from east Read More…

4. Programs Energy Security

Europe Looks for More Caspian-Region Energy

The EU’s Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson will personally attend the annual interministerial meeting of the Advisory Council on the Southern Gas Corridor in Baku on February 4. She announced this, following a meeting of EU energy ministers in Amiens (France), where they discussed market uncertainties due to Russia’s decrease of flows to Europe and its Read More…

Energy Security

The NordStream 2 Pipeline and the Future of European Energy Security

Title: The NordStream 2 Pipeline and the Future of European Energy SecurityFeatured Speakers: Dr. Robert M. Cutler Senior Research Fellow and Director, Energy Security Program NAOC; Dr. Alan Riley Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council; Agata Łoskot-Strachota Senior Fellow, Energy Policy, Institute for Eastern Studies (OSW); Dr. Maria Shagina Centre for East European Studies, University of Zurich; Andreas Read More…

Energy Security Previous Events

The NordStream 2 Pipeline and the Future of European Energy Security

This event was live broadcast on our YouTube channel, and a recording can be viewed here. Russia’s NordStream 2 gas pipeline to Germany remains very much in the news, especially as winter looms in Europe. What are the chances that the pipeline will overcome legal and regulatory hurdles to enter into service; and if it Read More…

Energy Security Uncategorized

Le Gazoduc Transcaspien Pour la Consolidation de la Paix Dans le Caucase du Sud

Le Directeur du Programme de Sécurité énergétique Dr. Robert M. Cutler a participé le 2 février à la Conférence annuelle « Voisinages » organisée par l’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, qui porte cette année le titre : Quid de l’après Covid 19 pour la relation entre l’UE et ses voisinages : compagnonnage renouvelé ou proximité Read More…