Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo program takes shape as an online player named “Master” in the Ancient Chinese game of Go. Now that “Master” has defeated many of the top Go players worldwide, Jacqueline Hicks looks at the recent artificial intelligence developments.
Tag: China
How Oil Shapes International Relations
Megan Robinson examines how oil shapes international relations.
Europe, You’re on Your Own!
Will Trump’s words and Putin’s actions cause Europe to harden defences?
Curbing Coal Production: Is China Pulling Its Weight?
China’s coal burning contributes a significant amount of the total CO2 and greenhouse gases in the air, but its government claims to be working towards reducing its emissions. Marietta Armanyous looks at whether China is actually making efforts to change its impact on climate change from a negative to positive one.
The Probable End of the TPP: The APEC Summit in Peru
What is the TPP? Juthika Hasan discusses in her detailed analysis what the TPP is and whether or not it could survive.
Getting it right with China : Michele Di Leo interviews former Canadian Ambassador David Mulroney
How should Canada approach its relationship with China? Michele Di Leo speaks with Canada’s former Ambassador to China, David Mulroney.
To trade or not to trade with North Korea: A case for more engagement with North Korean people
How trading activities are becoming ways of quiet resistance in North Korea should make us think twice about harsh economic sanctions. Mégane Visette analyzes.
Measuring State Commitments to Women, Peace & Security: Launch of a new WPS scorecard
In this article, Jenny Yang analyzes Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) newly-launched scorecard to measure implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda by the Permanent members of the UN Security Council (P5).
Tensions with China are Securing Shinzo Abe’s Domestic and Regional Ambitions for Japan
In this article, John Pollock discusses the strategic moves that Japan is making under Shinzo Abe as tensions with China increase.
The Philippines: Do Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures?
Ben Hess explores the situation in the Philippines revolving around President Duterte’s recent actions and the effects this has on Philippines-US relations.