Security, Trade and the Economy Sravani Mamillapalli

Breathing Easy: China’s anti-pollution policy

2013 was referred to by Chinese citizens as the year of the “airpocalypse”, with approximately 62% of Chinese cities suffering from high air pollution levels. Chinese environmentalists issued their first “red alert” in 24 cities early January 2017 following dangerously polluted breathing conditions in Beijing. Air quality testers in China, which typically reflect “orange” or Read More…

Jacqueline Hicks Society, Culture, and Security

Artificial Intelligence “Master” Defeats Top AlphaGo Players; What Does This AI Advancement Mean for Us?

Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo program takes shape as an online player named “Master” in the Ancient Chinese game of Go. Now that “Master” has defeated many of the top Go players worldwide, Jacqueline Hicks looks at the recent artificial intelligence developments.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Marietta Armanyous

Curbing Coal Production: Is China Pulling Its Weight?

China’s coal burning contributes a significant amount of the total CO2 and greenhouse gases in the air, but its government claims to be working towards reducing its emissions. Marietta Armanyous looks at whether China is actually making efforts to change its impact on climate change from a negative to positive one.