3. Events Calendar Previous Events

Delivering the COVID-19 Vaccines: Global Cooperation on a Common Goal

These experts will address the challenges of procuring and equitably distributing the COVID-19 vaccine across the globe, as well as the challenges of international cooperation in tackling a common threat. Make sure to join us to hear from these wonderful speakers!

3. Events Calendar Previous Events

Reflections on Future Trans-Atlantic Priorities: A Croatian Perspective

We are excited to be holding a virtual discussion with H.E. Vice Skračić, the Croatian Ambassador to Canada, on March 10th! The discussion will primarily focus on Croatia and Canada’s Bilateral Relationship, Common Security Interests, and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also touch upon the NATO Alliance and the Croatian Delegation, and Read More…

Emilio Angeles Indo-Pacific and NATO Security, Trade and the Economy

The Future of Canada-Japan Relations in the Post-Trump Era

The Canada-Japan relationship is well established but it will face some uncertainty in the coming years. In this article, Emilio Angeles examines the bilateral-relationship and highlights potential areas of contention between the two countries.

Previous Events

Politique étrangère et multilatéralisme : quel rôle joue aujourd’hui le Canada sur la scène internationale ?

L’Association Canadienne pour l’OTAN a organisé le jeudi 26 novembre une discussion virtuelle à propos du role du Canada sur la scène internationale.  Le 17 juin dernier, le Canada n’a pas rassemblé les votes nécessaires à l’obtention d’un siège au Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU, pour la deuxième fois en dix ans. Que cet évènement Read More…

Editors' Forum Emilio Angeles Lily Jia Maria Zelenova

Should We Promote Patriotism in Schools?

Maria Zelenova – Program Editor for Canada’s NATO  What Does “Patriotic Education” Mean, Anyway? Last month, United States president Donald Trump proposed that patriotic, “pro-American” education be taught in the nation’s public schools. He recommitted to his stance against “left-wing demonstrators,” who are in his view responsible for an emerging narrative that “America is a wicked and Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy

Uncertain Alliance: Turkey’s goals in the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the implications for Canada-Turkey relations

Griffin Cornwall examines the role played by Turkey in supporting Azerbaijan in the ongoing conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and how this impacts the defence relationship between Turkey and Canada.

Energy Security Uncategorized

What Energy Security Means For Canada and the World

Title: What Energy Security Means For Canada and the WorldFeatured Speakers: Dr. Robert M. Cutler Senior Research Fellow and Director, Energy Security Program NAOC; Allan Fogwill President and CEO Canadian Energy Research Institute; Dr. Monica Gattinger Director Institute for Science, Society and Policy University of Ottawa; Dr. Richard Norris Managing Partner Pandreco Energy Advisors Series: Energy Read More…