Europe Mathias Avezou NATO and Canada NATO Field School Series NATO Operations Western Europe

Looking towards a European Army: A once impossible idea becomes a growing necessity

Why and how should the EU take back control of its own defence? In this article, Mathias Avezou explains why European security can no longer depend on the US, and what the first steps towards an EU army could look like.

Canadian Armed Forces Christopher Maternowski NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Language Lessons: Fate of Afghan Interpreters Exposes Gaps in Canadian Armed Forces Training and Recruitment

During operations in Afghanistan, mustering enough qualified linguists proved a constant challenge for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). These difficulties point to larger problems with how the CAF—and Canada—approach strategic languages.

cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Previous Events

Challenges to Cyber Resiliency Series – Diversity in Cyber Security

Are you interested in hearing about women and diversity in cyber security? Join us for the second panel of our Challenges to Cyber Resiliency Series to hear our panel of experts discuss the challenges facing diversity in cyber security and the importance of incorporating people from different backgrounds and experiences into the cyber field. Register here to Read More…

Arash Toupchinejad Society, Culture, and Security

The Foreign and Domestic Perceptions of the Allied Presence in Afghanistan

The final departure of American troops from Afghanistan is set for September. This plan of withdrawal dates from the Trump Administration, which signed the bilateral Doha Agreement with the Taliban. It authorized the withdrawal of US and NATO forces if the Taliban agreed to prevent other terrorist groups from using Afghan soil. Although the Taliban has Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Article V & the Indo-Pacific: Will NATO’s collective defence pact function in an out-of-area region?

In this article, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine examines NATO’s collective defence pact against the backdrop of the growing contest in the Indo-Pacific to determine if Article V could be invoked to defend NATO members in the region.

Arjun Singh Editors' Forum Eric Jackson Griffin Cornwall Juliana Schneider Uncategorized

Are sanctions an effective means of curbing illegal behaviour by ‘rogue state’?

This week, we challenged the NATO Association of Canada’s Editors for their take on a thorny and challenging topic, namely: Are sanctions an effective means of curbing illegal behaviour by ‘rogue state’? Ditch the Logic Arjun Singh At its root, the question is empirical. Sanctions are effective only if, in cases where used, a desired Read More…