Energy Security

Energy Security is No Longer a Luxury: Canadian and European Perspectives

Energy Security is No Longer a Luxury: Canadian and European Perspectives This event was live broadcast on our YouTube channel, and a recording can be viewed here. This webinar addressed the new geo-economics of energy production and consumption with special attention to Canada, Europe and their roles in global energy markets. The panelists considered the Read More…

Centre For Disinformation Studies Emma Curtis

A Disastrous Combination: Emergency Events and Online Mis-/Disinformation

What are the lasting impacts of mis and disinformation during the occurrence of and directly following a disaster or emergency? In this article, Emma Curtis touches upon the disinformation present in the cycle of disaster, as well as the consequences of fake news and false reporting.


NATO Association of Canada Intern Alyssa Nurse Wins Two Prestigious Awards

The NATO Association of Canada is delighted to celebrate the recent achievements of Alyssa Nurse, a fourth-year undergraduate student at the University of Toronto and current intern at the NATO Association of Canada.  In honour of combined academic, extra-curricular, and professional excellence, Alyssa received from Experiential & Work-Integrated Learning Ontario (EWO) the Co-op/WIL/EL Student of Read More…

Maya Gandhi Women in Security

From Benazir Bhutto to Jacinda Ardern: Perceptions of Female Prime Ministers

On January 19, 2023, Jacinda Ardern, the 40th prime minister of New Zealand, announced her resignation. As prime minister, she led New Zealand through incredibly difficult times as they faced the Christchurch terrorist attacks, the White Island volcanic eruption, and the Covid-19 pandemic. She was also only the second elected world leader to give birth Read More…

Scott Burns Security, Trade and the Economy

DIANA: Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic

The war in Ukraine has shown that superior technology, especially in the areas of surveillance and communication, can help a David stand up to a Goliath. Looking forward, Canada and its NATO allies have embarked on a new initiative named DIANA that aims to help them maintain their technological cutting edge. In this article Scott Burns explains this new defence innovation project along with Canada’s exciting role.

Maya Gandhi Women in Security

Sexual Abuse in South Sudan: Accountability and Non-Recurrence

When the individuals that claim to provide comfort and support resort to exploitation and abuse, where do those searching for refuge go? Malakal Protection of Civilians (PoC) cite, established in December 2013 in South Sudan, is home to approximately 37,000 people seeking help from the dangerous political atmosphere surrounding them; however, the reality of certain Read More…

Society, Culture, and Security

Stoltenberg’s Warning for Canada

In late August, 2022, Canada hosted NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on a two-day visit to Alberta and Nunavut. He toured the Canadian High Arctic Research Station, the North Warning System Site, and met with First Nations leaders and CAF personnel. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accompanied him on his visit and spoke about Canada’s commitment to NATO and Read More…