Heat waves, rising temperatures, and retreating ice grab headlines today. However, receding sea ice in the Arctic and a concurrent increase in shipping traffic will intensify attention on the globe’s (still) frigid northern reaches.
Canada region
Couchiching Institute’s Arab Spring Conference: Bringing a Human Approach to the Uprisings in the Middle East
Our Senior Middle East Analyst, Alexander Corbeil describes the highlights of the Couchiching Institute’s Arab Spring conference.
“Frontline” Review of the NATO Council’s Maritime Security Conference
CLICK TO READ Tim Lynch maintains a Maritime Security and Law Enforcement page.
China’s Bright Future in Canada
Following several trade missions to China and emphatic discussion of increasing investment opportunities, it appears that Canada and the Asian superpower have finally struck a deal.
Canada’s Plans for Power Projection
For nations with a global outlook, the ability to respond to contingencies around the world has often been a mix of necessity and choice.
China’s Maritime Policies: An Opportunity for Canada
China has once again fueled the regional fire that has characterized its relations with neighbouring states for the last several decades.
Does Canada Have a Vision for International Development?
With the resignation of the controversy stricken head of CIDA Bev Oda and her replacement by former chief of Toronto Police Julian Fantino, Kelly Stephens asks if the Conservative government even has a plan for the development organization.
Canada: A Petrostate Suffering from the Dutch Disease?
June was a month full of debate regarding the effect of Alberta’s oil sands on Canada’s economy and environment.
Breaking The Bottleneck: Maritime Terrorism and “Economic Chokepoints” (part 1)
The probability of a terrorist attack on a major North American port may be low for some security analysts, but given the catastrophic effect an attack could have on such “economic chokepoints,” the costs could be immeasurable.
Panel I – Canadian Economic and Energy Interests in the New Middle East (Click to play video) Welcome Remarks — The Honourable John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada (via Video) Julie Lindhout, President, The NATO Council of Canada Moderator: Lawrence Solomon Speakers: Lawrence Solomon, Columnist, Financial Post; Executive Director, Energy Probe Andy Mahut, Executive Board, Read More…