How does sexual violence infringe on women’s physical and social security? In the first part of this series of 2 articles, Stephanie Oldfield explores how the culture of shame contributes to the impetus of rape and sexual assault.
Women in Security
Women in Security covers a wide-range of issues as it explores the link between women, security, and development. As a forum to stimulate discussion and instructive debates, the NATO Association of Canada will examine the ways in which women both contribute to and are the focus of Canadian and NATO defence and security initiatives. This program also offers a critical look at the structures and institutions that shape the role of women in security at home and abroad.
#16days at NAOC – #16jours à NAOC
#16days at NAOC, our stance against gender-based violence. #16jours à NAOC, notre position contre la violence genrée
Measuring State Commitments to Women, Peace & Security: Launch of a new WPS scorecard
In this article, Jenny Yang analyzes Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) newly-launched scorecard to measure implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda by the Permanent members of the UN Security Council (P5).
In Review: Highway of Tears, A rear-view to the federal inquiry for Missing and Murdered Indigenous women (MMIW)
From local community support to cross-Canada awareness and involvement for murdered and missing indigenous women, Mégane Visette looks back at the documentary Highway of Tears in light of the newly launched federal commission of inquiry MMWII.
Somewhere over the rainbow? The need for better inclusion of LGBTQ Officers in Canadian Policing
Somewhere over the rainbow? LGBTQ police officers are a notoriously under-researched demographic, especially in Canada. Grace Lee discusses how Canadian policing is including LGBTQ officers today.
Making Improvements to Women’s Rights In Canada and Abroad.
Delegates gathered in Brazil at the 13th Association for Women’s Rights in Development International Forum to discuss contemporary domestic and international challenges facing women’s right. Delegates and representatives called upon government leaders for urgent action.
Do ask, do tell: LGBTQ inclusion and sexualized culture in the army (Part 2)
LGBTQ inclusion in the army, are we there yet? In the part 2 of this series, Mégane Visette discusses the findings and measures of the Deschamps’s report on sexual assault in the military, and the potential of gender awareness courses in the military.
Gender in Modern Peacekeeping: How to enhance effectiveness and accountability
Earlier this month, defence ministers from 80 countries gathered in London for the UN Peacekeeping Defence Ministerial. Topics on the agenda included: inclusion of more women in military and police contingents of peacekeeping operations, a zero tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers, and building rapid-deployment capabilities for contingents. Unfortunately, of the 80 Read More…
Still an “Old Boys’ Club”: Women in Canadian Policing Today
Just how uniform are those in uniform? Grace Lee discusses a recent study on Canadian police subcultures and their relation to traditional gender roles in a three part series.
Do ask, Do tell: LGBTQ inclusion and sexualized culture in the army (Part I)
We came a long way to include LGBTQs in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), how did we get there and are we there yet? In the first part of this article about LGBTQ inclusion in the army, Mégane Visette analyzes the development of a more gender inclusive military culture in Canada and the US.