The Security, Trade and the Economy program aims to provide Canadians with relevant and accessible analysis on current international economic policies with a focus on Canadian interests and trade security. Additionally, the program examines our country’s commitment to NATO’s mandate of encouraging economic collaboration and eliminating economic conflict.

Investment Kazutaka Mayuzumi Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America

The End of QE3 May Spell Trouble for U.S. Stocks and Emerging Markets

The U.S. phasing out its quantitative easing policies 6 years after the financial crisis can have ripple effects on the world economy. Will interests rate rise, and what will happen when they do?

Development Diplomatic Relations Energy & Resources Investment Israel Sayde-Hope Crystal Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society, Culture, and Security Technology The Middle East and North Africa Trade

The Growth of Israel’s Energy Sector and its Geopolitical Clout

In her latest article, Sayde-Hope Crystal examines the political and economic implications of the massive natural gas reservoirs discovered off the coast of the Israel.

Defense Deika Mohamed Development Expanding Community Global Horizons Health Investment Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society Technology

Malaria Vaccine on the Horizon

British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline is seeking regulatory approval for an antimalarial vaccine. The vaccine is being evaluated by the European Medicines Agencies in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). This could prompt a major global health breakthrough as the disease affects 225 million people worldwide and results in the deaths of approximately 800,000 people, Read More…